this weekend 3 MAJOR things happened...
1. Ashley and Curtis officially became Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Their venue was SPECTACULAR
They both looked AMAZINGLY happy
The favor boxes added a FUN POP with that black and white polka dot ribbon to each placesetting
And the candy bar looked SPECTACULAR thanks to Kirsten Lockhart - gifted aunt of the bride! She took my designs and made them look like an expensive affair!
From what I heard, the wedding was gorgeous and everybody had a really great time! So happy for Ashley and hope she and the hubs have a WONDERFUL honeymoon in Hawaii! (I might be jealous!)
2. My dear World Changers teammate and friend Emily hosted a bridal shower for her roommate Sara Ellis (soon to be Mrs. Sara Swope - marrying Tyler Swope - and no we're not related - but YES I do have a first cousin named Tyler Swope - did you get all that?). She used e-vite to create her invitation but needed a few extra design pieces to pull it all together. Her
invitation had a funky spring flower vibe to it and Sara's wedding is navy blue and yellow - so I combined the two concepts and created some printables for Em. They are nothing spectacular, but the bingo board was pretty cute!

3. Finally, my BEST childhood friend Anna who is graduating from medical school in less than a month now officially mailed her custom designed graduation announcements...and then promptly boarded a plane and is now enjoying a {several years late} honeymoon in Italy. Ahhhh so jealous! The graduation announcement deserves a post of it's own...but my oh my a lot got done this weekend in the bow world! AND it all happened while I sat on my couch and watched trashy television. It does NOT get better than that!